Friday, May 12, 2017

Of Question and Answer

After all these years of mission, there were plenty of times when I felt tired, dry and empty and so it is now, it comes sometimes occasionally and sometimes frequently. These kinds of things make me question why am I here in the first place? Why am I in mission? What if I live a different life? Tiredness, dryness and emptiness really drive us closer to the question that matters in life, whether we like it or not.

Affirmation, consolation and blessings of course come along, unexpectedly most of the time. But the questions linger on… and so I’ve learned to live with it and came to the conclusion that sometimes questions are much better than having answers. There are things that are beyond my understanding and to accept it is to “understand” itself.

However, though questions persist, life and mission itself continues. And I found that as long as I continue my life and mission, answers do come along the way.

So is this journey worth walking for? As long as I am with God and my life is for God, I believe I am on the right direction and the journey is more than worth walking for.

Mission after all is for others more than self and so while we question, we continue the mission, we fight the good fight and run the good race, because as G. K. Chesterton said, “The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him.”

by aats

1 comment:

  1. People go through stages, no matter what profession they are in or what career path they have chosen. We all go through a dry period in our lives when we question the choices we make and we become anxious of the future. We are allowed moments of weakness and it is during these times when we are reminded of the outpouring of blessings from God. With all the times God has shown up in our lives, we still doubt and it is okay because He wants us to be real with Him. He allows us to throw a fit because He knows sooner or later we'll come to our senses. Such a patient Father He is! So to question is normal but remember that He is faithful and He always answers our questions even though sometimes the answer is "no".

    Love your quote from Chesterton!
