Monday, May 29, 2017

When The Time Comes

Everyday we do our routine in life. We wake up, work and earn a living, have some little vacation here and there, sleep and then do again the routine. Seldom do we actually venture beyond the known things we do. We let the world go by without even seeing the beauty around us. We are so concerned about the future that we forget to live today.

It is in this preoccupation of earning a living that we seldom see the God who has given us everything. It is important to acknowledge the God who made us and brought us to where we are today, or we might end up not maximizing the life he has given us. We have admired so many actors and actresses, successful businessmen and leaders only to find some of them gone into depression and some even took there own life. Why is that so? Why these men, successful in the eyes of men, almost have everything to live a happy life, took their own lives? They were busy with earning a living and fulfilling there own wants that they forgot to see God who has actually offering them beyond the things they thought can make them fulfilled.

As in the days of Noah and Jesus, so it is today, people go on life without living. When the end of life comes, unexpectedly, and we come face to face with God, it is too late already to appreciate the life He has given us.

Reflection question:

What are the ways I can do to see the fullness of life that God wants for me today?

by aats

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