Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Moving Ahead

I was having a conversation with a friend and was blessed to have some insightful exchange of ideas. We dealt of course on lovelife, as it is one of the favorite topics of the youths. When it comes to break ups, most of the time, people have a hard time dealing with it.

Dealing with emotions can sometimes really be very exhausting. Well, we get hurt and pained because we loved. And we have  to take that as it is, for having loved someone and being loved in return is a blessing in itself. We wouldn't have felt all the emotional rush, if we have not loved. The opposite of love is not hurts, or pains or anger but apathy were we don't care anymore. So thank God, we can still feel the pain, we are human not a robot! What a blessing to be human! 

Real love is honest. So lets be honest with ourselves. We have to accept the truth that we did loved but the other could not give it back anymore the way we want it to be.  There is nothing wrong with crying about it and feeling the loss about relationship, but we have to realize that even before the other person came into our lives, we had a life of our own already. 

So life does not end with break up and certainly life is not just about lovelife. It is but part and parcel of the whole me and you, the "me" and "you" who is loved long before a special someone came in.  We have a life to live... our life does not just depend on our experiences with a boyfriend or girlfriend, because in the first place we already existed and loved long before he or she came into our lives. Move ahead, life has so much to offer.

read also: What is Courting for a Fulltime Worker and Moving On Loving

by aats

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